Adding cosmetics
To create your own cosmetics, you first need to create a cosmetics file. Example: example_cosmetic.yml
# Material. Required field.
material: PAPER
# display-name. Can be empty, but not recommended.
display-name: "<white>Cosmetics name"
# Custom Model Data. Can be empty.
customModelData: 1
# Lore. Can be empty.
- "<blue>Your lore</blue>"
permission: "cosmetics.helmet.example_cosmetic" # Required wear permission. Required field.
Now write /cm reload
and check it in game!
Adding skins
Adding skins is even simpler! Сreate a new skins file: example_skin.yml
# Materials. Required at least one.
- iron_sword
- diamond_sword
- netherite_sword
# Custom Model Data. Can be empty, but are you sure about it?
custom-model-data: 3
# Permission. Required field.
permission: "itemskins.sword.example_skin"
# Skin name. Can be empty, but not recommended.
display-name: "&dDark Queen Sword"
# Lore. Can be empty.
- "Lore"
- ""
- "Example lore"
/is reload
and check it in game!